Mission & Vision

Leading in Education

LM inspires students through an excellent, well-rounded educational experience in a nurturing environment.


成为prek -12年级教育的领导者,体验卓越和品格.


兰开斯特门诺学校在一个多元化的社区中提供pre -12年级的教育,培养学生成为有创造力和创新精神的学习者,为上大学做好准备, career and life. Centered in Christ and committed to educational excellence, 学生有能力透过基督般的爱来改变世界, peacemaking and service.




LM将成为prek -12年级教育体验的领导者. 在以基督为中心的社区中,通过本地和全球的联系,生活将被改变,我们的世界也将改变.

Giá trị cốt lõi

当你进入我们的教学楼和教室时,你会看到并体验到这些核心价值观, 因为横幅和海报是可见的,并融入我们的课程. 这里的图片是图形和核心价值-我们很高兴你能亲自看到它们并亲身体验它们.

We proudly say that as a school community, Together we will:

  • Seek Jesus Wholeheartedly
  • Live Compassionately
  • Build Bridges of Peace
  • Cultivate Global Citizens
  • Nurture Curiosity and Creativity
  • Empower Lifelong Learning

Change the world!

Chúng ta coi trọng điều gì với tcách lmột cộng đồng trường học? Lắng nghe ttnsinh viên, giáo viên v nh n viên LM khi hchi chia s.i các gi trcốt lõi của chúng tôi.


兰开斯特门诺学校是一所综合性的pre -12年级学校,为毕业生提供终身教育
learning. 以基督为中心的教育过程培养每个学生的天赋,使他们成为世界公民. It


English Language Arts
– be lifelong, reflective, and analytical readers
– write appropriately for various contexts, including work or business, education, and other life situations
– think critically and organize ideas in logical formats
– speak articulately and with poise in public speech

Fine Arts
– see music and art as a form of praise and prayer
– analyze music and art and the creative making process

Health and Physical Education
-展示能力和应用各种概念的知识, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

– solve mathematics problems clearly, concisely and correctly
– collaborate and work with others

– make informed decisions about well being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life

Social Studies
——巩固民族和全球历史认识,更好地认识当今世界, identify areas of passion and articulate a vision for the world
-建立历史思维技能的基础,重点是批判性思维, recognizing casual relationships, analyzing change over time and building strong arguments
-实践好奇心的天赋,探索历史和社会研究的浩瀚, as a result, 成为对周围的人和故事有经验和兴趣的学习者
– model the teachings of Jesus by seeking stewardship, peace, compassion and reconciliation to local, national and global communities

World Languages
– communicate proficiently in another language
– develop tools for lifelong language learning


As a leading Christian school, 兰开斯特门诺学校提供全面的prek -12年级课程,旨在教育整个人. 学校热烈欢迎学生和家庭希望在一个学习型社区的教育由以下特点塑造:基督为中心, educational excellence, peace and service, community, and faith-infused opportunities.

兰开斯特门诺学校在以学生为中心的环境中促进卓越,这种环境适合年龄和能力,不仅为继续教育而且为终身学习培养技能. 教师提供学术支持和挑战,同时引导和鼓励学生发展他们的天赋和发现他们的使命. 充满信仰的教育项目培育学生的精神生活, curiosity, character and sense of responsibility. 学校重视邀请学生在当地环境中进行转型成长的教师, national and global communities.

A diverse, multicultural environment that is welcoming, safe, 信任和尊重是教育过程的重要组成部分. 兰开斯特门诺会呼吁每个学生建立个人信仰和实践,重视和平与服务. The school partners with the family and their congregation, Mennonite Church USA, 其他教派和更广泛的社区,以改变学生改变我们的世界.


兰开斯特门诺学校致力于恢复而不是惩罚的方法来纪律,包括咨询, apologies, prayer, reconciliation and parental involvement. 恢复性管教是基于爱的动机,以帮助每个孩子成为符合耶稣的形象. However, student choices determine consequences, positive or negative, 我们认为学生必须为自己的行为负责.

Restorative Discipline Explained by LM Educators and Parents