
教育卓越- 9-12年级

LM’s community of academic excellence 和 Christ-like love develops creative 和 innovative learners who are prepared for college, 职业生涯, 和 life 和 ready to change the world through compassion, 缔造和平和服务.


荣誉 & AP课程

SAT scores 140 points above the national average


LMH - A community for academics, 体育运动, 美术 和 change makers!

While nurturing all gifts 和 talents, the high school program provides academic rigor that can propel students to top-notch colleges 和 universities or develop skills that launch 职业生涯s in high-dem和 fields. Our comprehensive 高中 Curriculum offers a great variety of courses 和 programs, 包括AP课程, 双录取, 蒸汽, 信仰的形成, 和 electives in the fields of technology, 农业科学, 家庭 & consumer sciences, art, music, 和 many others.


LM’s academic excellence is evidenced by significantly higher Advanced Placement test success versus PA 和 national averages, according to College Board data. The average of the last five years (2018-2022) shows 82.4% of LM’s AP scores were 3 or higher, compared to the national average of 60%. This reflects the strength of LM’s academic program driving increasing AP success. 

网投十大信誉平台在2022年表现如何? LM students took 13 different AP tests in 2022 和 scored an average of 3.64 on all tests taken, compared to the national average of 3.17人参加了同样的测试.




At LM, we take pride in our commitment to academic excellence 和 high expectations. We offer a broad range of challenging university-level courses, including 双录取 courses from Eastern Mennonite University.



LM has a variety of the core 蒸汽 classes for high school students looking to gain the knowledge from the coursework, 加强21世纪技能, 和 attain tools needed to succeed in the workplace of the future. In addition LM provides extracurricular clubs, sports 和 competitions to participate in.


  • 美联社生物学
  • AP微积分AB
  • AP微积分BC
  • AP化学
  • AP计算机科学原理
  • AP Computer Science A (coming 2021-22)
  • AP物理C:力学
  • 据美联社统计
  • 荣誉物理学
  • 技术与设计
  • Music – Instrumental, choir, b和 和 orchestra
  • Art – 2D Design, Painting, Drawing, Photography, 和 Sculpture
  • 烹饪艺术
  • 还有更多……



网投十大信誉平台教徒 School provides opportunities for students to explore 和 develop their underst和ing of Christian faith 和 their gifts through academics, 体育运动, 美术, 还有社会活动. In addition to year-long student organizations, numerous short-term clubs for various interest groups are offered every trimester.



每年春天,学生们 选择他们的课程, both requirements 和 electives, for the following school year. This is a process that involves the support of their parents, advisory group leader 和 school counselor. Typically students will take time in advisory groups to select courses for the following school year. Once the advisor 和 student select courses, the course selection form requires a parent signature. 征得父母同意, the course selection form is then submitted to the guidance office for the counselor’s final approval before being submitted.



Our grading scale is modeled off of the st和ard high school grading system.

  • A (Superior):                       90-100
  • B (Good):                            80-89
  • C (Average):                        70-79
  • D(低于平均水平):60-69
  • F (Unsatisfactory):               Below 60



网投十大信誉平台教徒 School realizes that many significant lifelong skills 和 interests are developed outside the classroom setting. Mini-courses for grades 11 和 12 和 class experiences for grades 9 和 10 provide opportunities for students to learn with their peers 和 teachers 和 benefit from teachers’ expertise 和 creativity.

Mini-courses are a minimum of three days 和 may include overnight trips or day trips for those three days. Students may count school-led summer trips as their mini-course prior to their junior or senior years. Mini-courses focus on an academic area 和/or service 和 occur every two years (spring of even years). Students receive a pass/fail grade for 0.25信贷.

LM Students Have Recently Been Accepted by the Following Colleges 和 Universities


  • 普林斯顿大学排名第一
  • 芝加哥大学排名第三
  • 哥伦比亚大学排名第五(并列)
  • Massachusetts Institute of 技术 #5 (tie)
  • 斯坦福大学排名第五(并列)
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学排名第8
  • California Institute of 技术 #10
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学排名第11位
  • 布朗大学第14名(并列)
  • 康奈尔大学第14名(并列)
  • 莱斯大学第14名(并列)
  • 范德比尔特大学第14名(并列)
  • 乔治城大学
  • 埃默里大学
  • 加州大学伯克利分校排名第21
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校第21名(并列)
  • 南加州大学排名第21位
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学排名25
  • 弗吉尼亚大学排名25
  • 维克森林大学排名第27
  • 塔夫茨大学排名第29位
  • 波士顿学院第32名(并列)
  • 威廉学院 & 玛丽32号(并列)
  • 布兰迪斯大学第34名(并列)
  • Georgia Institute of 技术 #34 (tie)
  • 波士顿大学第37名(并列)
  • Case Western Reserve University #37 (tie)
  • 迈阿密大学排名第46
  • 普渡大学排名第49位
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学排名第52
  • 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校排名第56
  • 美国大学第69名


  • 阿默斯特学院排名第二
  • 斯沃斯莫尔学院排名第三
  • 华盛顿和李大学排名第十
  • 科尔盖特大学排名第12
  • 巴克内尔大学排名第33
  • 拉斐特学院排名第36
  • 富兰克林 & 马歇尔学院#39
  • 巴德学院第46名
  • 惠顿学院排名63
  • 希尔斯代尔学院第71名


  • Chapman University #5 in Regional Universities West
  • University of Scranton #6 in Regional Universities North
  • Goshen College #6 in Regional Colleges Midwest
  • James Madison University #7 in Regional Universities South
  • Cedarville University #13 in Regional Colleges Midwest
  • Lebanon Valley College #24 in Regional Universities North
  • Bluffton University #27 in Regional Colleges Midwest
  • Eastern Mennonite University #41 in Regional Universities South
  • Messiah College #5 in Regional Colleges North